Olivine served as the Program Administrator and Scheduling Coordinator of two PG&E Demand Response pilots: the Supply Side II Pilot (SSP) and the award-winning Excess Supply Pilot (XSP).

SSP examined the participation of proxy demand resources (PDRs) in the CAISO wholesale day-ahead market; and XSP studied the ability of different types of DERs to increase load when excess renewable-based electricity supply was available on the grid, in addition to reducing load when supply was constrained. As the Scheduling Coordinator, Olivine managed meter data, calculated performance, and distributed incentive payments.
Designed to capture the full value of flexible resources to the grid XSP has been incorporated into several of Olivine’s initiatives across various consumer types including the California Energy Commission EPIC Total Charge Management project, PG&E’s Electric Vehicle Charge Network Load Management Plan, and the Pittsburg USD School Bus Renewables Integration Project. In 2019, Olivine and PG&E were named as the winner of the Peak Load Management Association’s PaceSetter Award for the Excess Supply Pilot Program.