Olivine administers BMW’s ChargeForward program, an electric vehicle (EV) smart charging program that shifts battery charging times from nighttime to mid-day.

PG&E, Olivine, and BMW, joined forces to launch a unique program that rewards BMW drivers in the San Francisco Bay Area with financial incentives for participating in demand response and excess supply events. While this project does not bid into the CAISO market, it does use day-ahead wholesale market energy prices to trigger demand response events. The project also uses customer PG&E customer rate data to trigger demand response events. Excess supply events are triggered either by a PG&E renewable signal or by CAISO Renewable Forecasts.
Olivine operates as the communication interface between PG&E and BMW, managing resource enrollment, capacity nominations, and mediating event dispatch notifications through its Olivine DER™ Platform. Olivine also collaborated with and advised BMW on program design, offering experienced guidance on customer program offerings and grid services plans and implementation.
To date, there have been over 500 enrollments in the program. The program has dispatched an average of over 50 demand response events per year.