Olivine assisting SDG&E on EV Integration at CAISO
Olivine is pleased to announce our involvement on an important project for California, where San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) has successfully integrated EV and storage into the CAISO energy and non-spinning reserves markets. Besides being among the first to integrate electric vehicles into the state’s energy markets, the project is identifying both barriers and best practices for future, large scale integration and interaction of dispatchable distributed energy resources with wholesale markets, and creating tools to evaluate growth opportunities for those resources.
In this ongoing project, Olivine provides CAISO with market interfaces for dispatch and end-to-end real-time telemetry aggregation using the Olivine DER Platform. In addition, Olivine provides ongoing guidance on wholesale market resource formation, bidding, charging, and baseline strategies to enhance market participation. This role will continue as the project progresses into other ancillary services.
For the SDG&E press release, click here: http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/sdge-integrates-electric-vehicles-and-energy-storage-systems-into-californias-energy-and-ancillary-service-markets-300040007.html